Monday, March 8, 2010


Here's a link to a website you can go to,to donate money to Chile!Once you get to the website, you can pick the amount of money you would like to donate to Chile. Please help them!

Here's a link to donate money to Haiti. You can also pick the amount of money you would like to donate.

Monday, March 1, 2010


This weekend, for me was fun but at the same time boring. Saturday, was a little boring because i was suppose to go to the movies with my friend, instead I just stayed home and got on the computer like I do everyday for about 15 hours a day. Yeah yeah yeah, I know that's bad for you, you don't have to tell me because I already here that from my mom and sister all the time but it's not my fault my mom taught me how to work a computer at a very young age and got addicted to it. Well yeah, but anyways, needless to say my Saturday sucked like crap dude!!! Sunday, was awesome because I went to see the movie "Valentines Day" with my elementary friend. After the movie we went to Moscone Park and La Boulange, A french bakery and from the bakery we bought cannoles. We walked to her house from the park and that was a really long walk but I didnt complain because as long as I got to be with one of my best friends in the whole word, it didn't really matter to me. My sister came to pick me up from my friends house and we caught the bus home. When I got home I just chillaxed and got on the computer for a few hours until my mom started yellling at me."IT IS PAST YOUR BED TIME AND YOU NEED TO STAY OFF THE COMPUTER SO MUCH, YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME WHEN I TELL YOU TO STAY OFF OF IT SO IM GOING TO TAKE IT OUT OF YOUR ROOM AND NOT LET YOU GET ON IT FOR MONTHS".And while she was saying all of this, I was just sitting there thinking, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.LOL!
SO000 yeah, thats my awkward weekend.