Monday, February 22, 2010

Most Boring Field Trip Ever!

OH MY GAWD!!!!!Today at school, half the sixth graders went on a field trip to the De Young museum. Every year since i have been in kindergarten, my class has went on a field trip to the De Young museum and every one of those years it was so boring! But I knew that they turned the De Young museum into a King Tut exhibit and I'm really interested in King Tut and all that other Ancient Egyptian crap so I thought it was going to be really fun, but unfortunately, I was wrong like always. UGH!!! That field trip was really really boring and I felt like it was never going to end. Almost everybody in my class were just looking for benches behind all of the statues to sit on, I mean the teachers should have known we would be tired from the weekends so why make us go on a field trip on a Monday anyways. Well, I guess that's just my own personal opinion. But,,,yeah.,,I have nothing else to say so um,"As you can see, to the right there is a picture of the crappy DE YOUNG MUSEUM,,and yet I DONT CARE!!!!!byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee;]♥◘

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